About Megha

Welcome to The Golden Empress Oil & Co. Now.. I have worked on this with a lot of love and it comes from my own personal pain point. I have struggled with my cycle.. bad cramps, major back aches, painful migraines, them not being regular, having a very heavy flow, clots.. and thought most of it was normal.. We all seem to think my nani had a heavy flow and my mom used to has a heavy flow and so it's what is given to me in dahej (dowry).  Till one day I couldn't take it anymore and did my own R & D and went into a black hole of the whole menstruation cycle to find out what's normal and what isn't. Did you know you are supposed to bleed ONLY 4-6 spoons of blood IN THE ENTIRE CYCLE ?!! LIKE WHAT !??? Or that clots are not normal ?!! Or that the cycle should move only 1-3 days from a 28 day cycle ?!!!

Dayummm... now tell me, what's the first thing a doctor asks you when you sit in front of him/her, literally for any issue at hand ? It's - when was your last period. Get it ? It's your freaking report card. It is what tells the doctor about where you are on your health journey. Yup.. let that sink in.

This is when I decided to take matters and my health in my own hands and learnt and learnt and learnt. I did my certification in Pranic Healing, Bach Flower Therapy, Animal Communication (this has nothing to do with my cycle, but I now love talking to Mobi Mana- my two Retrievers and 10000% the official mascots of The Golden Empress), Yoga Teacher Certification in Hatha, and in Herbalism.

We have moved very far from the land. We don't value what it offers us and how healing it is. Herbs are magicians. they, if brewed/consumed the right way with faith, consistency and main thing - intention, have the power to heal us. I tested on myself all the time, I did things to myself to know what's working and what isn't. I did different permutations and combinations. I learned more. I tested on my friends and family. 

Enter The Golden Empress. Why the name ? Uff... Just close your eyes and feel this energy.. The Golden Empress.. emerald green around you.. velvet.. royalty.. softness, voluptuous, silently demanding, grace, firm, knows herself, is in control, yet vulnerable, they know she has the power to destroy, but she knows how to use her power.. she's a seductress, alluring, yet inaccessible. 
you get the drift. This is each one of us. But Instagram has decided that we must use 15 (or God knows how many !) skincare products to feel that. What ?! Since when did Instagram decide to ruin my self esteem and my bank balance ?

Help me help you. I want you to be in that 10 pc of the women population who menstruates, or has a healthy hormone system if she is past that age. 

We crafted 4 

Two Cycle-synced face oils -

1) The Mystic Glow Oil -  To be used in the Luteal and Ovulation phase, this Goddess energy luxurious oil is an infusion of botanical alchemy with ethically sourced ingredients like carrot seed oil, grapeseed oil, frankincense oil and a thousand roses :)  It is an infusion of light and energy, designed to brighten your skin and make your soul light up, I promise you. In fact, later even if I paid you to return your magic potion to me, you won't. 

2) The Rebirth oil - To be used in your menstrual and follicular phase, this Golden Empress oil is my favourite. It's that bottle that makes you want to shed what is no longer needed in your life, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You worked very hard to bring yourself here. Not many and much should have access to you. You sit with this oil, let it do its thing, which is to renew and awaken your skin's innate healing powers. It bloody well doesn't need those poisonous chemicals on the face. It needs YOU along with grand earth mother. Each drop is charged with pranic healing and sacred elements of earth like calendula oil, helichrysum, and clary sage. It's activated by all the 5 elements - air, fire, water, earth and human touch - my touch. 

Sacred Blends 

3) Menstruation and Follicular - I did the certification on herbalism just so that I could make this available to you, the legit way. This blend is a sweet symphony of herbs and seeds crafted to support hormone balance, energy renewal and bring out your favourite, not best, favourite version of you. Seeds, digestives and herbs are consciously blended ensuring you ease out on those cramps, replenishing vital nutrients to make your skin glowing, hair soft and strong and nails harder than steel. Basically, it will have you vibrate at the highest frequency possible. 

4) Ovulation and Luteal - A grounding and harmonising blend, this powder will nourish with the finest ingredients, intentionally chosen to balance hormones and support emotional stability during this time. It eases those mood swings (they aren't actually mood swings and no you don't PMS - it's your body's way of crying out loud for these very ingredients to make sex hormones so that you function at your optimal, get it ?). This hand blended powder is your hall pass to be your most favourite self, i really do promise you that.

I really really hope you take advantage of this information and these 4 divine blends and benefit from them the way many, along with me are.

Only love,